Thursday, September 27, 2012

"Death to America"

Please take time to watch the link above.  It is crucially important that we as US citizens become aware of Foreign Relations-especially with Iran and the Middle East.  With the current unrest in the Middle East and with the rant being "Death to America"....we should be on high alert!

Radical Islam is making its mark around the world and as we sit back and continue to say that Islam is a peaceful religion these uprisings are blantantly telling us something else.  The radicals within that religion are taking over and is a real threat!  I read an email the other day that likened this  to the rise of Nazi's in Germany.  As most Germans sat back and did nothing the Nazi party took over and history is there to share the end of that story.  A world war was what it took to take care of that enemy.  How does WW III sound to you!!

Now is the time to remove the veil that is keeping us blind to truth.  Now is the time to ponder what this country would be like if we took  a hit from a nuclear weapon.  The video above states that up to 90% of our people would be annilated. In fact, the video shows news-reels of foreign leaders calling for the destruction of America and their children calling for the same.  Interestingly, Hitler believed that when you have the minds of the children you can rule the people. Switching gears, nuclear power is exactly how they plan to make that happen! 

Here is the big question:  Do you think these people are kidding around??  Or, perhaps, do you think that they mean it.  After 9/11 I am inclined to believe that they mean what they say!  Flying our airplanes into buildings was horrific.  What do you think a nuclear blast will look like here in these United States.

Wake up America!  Get involved!  Is our country on the right track???  I'd said not.  Are we protecting ourselves from our enemies?  If you use the Embassy in Libya as teaching tool....I'd say NOT.  We are being murdered and threatened....and our President is campaigning! 

Please share this with all your fellow Americans-Democrat and Republican alike.  I am frightened for our future.  Yes, our economy is on the verge of Hyper-inflation and/or collapse....but that doesn't even matter if we're blown off the face of the earth.

Here is something to ponder:  Why do Islamists hate us so much???  Because we are radical zionists.  We are Christians.  Their end goal is to advance the religion of Islam through the destruction of America.  Do your own research and then go from there...but please do not be luke-warm and do nothing.  Silence and political correctness will be the path to our own death and destruction!


Monday, September 17, 2012

The Truth is...a lie is a lie!

Wake up America,

Our Embassy was attacked in Benghazi, Libya on the anniversary of 9/11 and 4 US citizens were murdered.  What have you heard about this from the White House via US Ambassador Rice?  That it was totally coincidental that this happened on the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01! I think even a 4th grader would be better able to connect the dots.  This happened in the Middle East.  Does it make sense to you that our leaders in Washington are saying that this was spontaneous and/or coincidental?  How foolish!  What does common sense tell you? 

If you were the leader of the US what would your instincts be on this subject as you weigh the actions of murder and mayhem against the significance of the date on which this took place?  What would you tell the American people as at least 20 other countries across that region are rising up in anti-American protests?   It seems naïve to say that this is coincidental.  It seems naïve to believe that it was.  Certain foreign leaders don’t believe that and neither should we.  We fell back to sleep again regarding our safety and security!  Wake up America!!!

When did it become common-place for the truth to have to be presented in words that are politically correct?  The truth is- a lie is a lie!  In this political season it is shocking that American citizens aren’t outraged that we are being played for fools by our own president and the State Department.  US foreign relations are falling apart.  We’re being threatened and, need I say it, murdered again…..and our President has his representatives are telling the American public that these attacks were “spontaneous”.  Let me clear it up for you…this is clear and present danger-THIS is called terrorism!  And, in case you are not sure, the President is either naïve himself or lying to the American public. You decide!  

Regarding the unrest in the Middle East, the former Press Secretary Dana Perino said she’s frightened.  I’m frightened too!  Navigating this unrest is not easy….but lying to the American public AND then the American public and part of our media blindly accepting a big dose of lies, because of lack of knowledge or otherwise, is even more alarming.  Just because we don’t want to believe that the US is hated by many enemies doesn’t mean that it isn’t true.  And just because we wanted to believe in Hope and Change doesn’t mean that we can!  Hope won’t get the job done!  Are you awake yet?

It is my prayer that God intervenes on our behalf because I do not have hope or faith in our current leaders to handle the political unrest halfway around the world nor to handle our economic problems right here at home!  Look around.  We’re on the verge of economic collapse….and we’re being protested against around the world.  Using this as a barameter….do you think our country and we, as a people, are stable or better yet, safe?

  I am astounded to watch as things seem to be falling apart and yet blindly 50% of our country is still supporting the current leadership.  And in spite of the attacks on 9/11/12 Barrack Obama went to a fund raiser for his re-election!  Surely he had some intel regarding this situation....but then again maybe not, being that he doesn't attend many itel meetings!   

 Just a thought:   Should our president have had his eyes on his re-election that day… or perhaps on the country’s safety and security?   This is flabbergasting to me and yet this seems to have just been over-looked by many!  Something needs to change….and going forward under our current leadership is not the answer.  I’d say we need to make a U-turn!  

May God Bless the United States of America!
May He protect us from our enemies and ourselves as well!

Frustrated and flummoxed! 
Writer of Conservative Revelations

“He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing.”
Isaiah 40:23


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Remembering 9/11

September 11th, 2001. As a Flight Attendant I remember that day very clearly. It was a beautiful, blue-sky day in Dallas/Ft Worth. I was at home. My children were at pre-school. My husband was getting ready to head to the airport for a business trip. Then my phone rang. It was my mother making sure I was NOT flying that day. In panic she told me to turn on the TV and I starred in shock. Disbelief and confusion ran through my mind when I saw the footage of something truly inconceivable; airplanes purposely crashing into buildings. I immediately thought of all the flight attendants I knew and wondered about the actions and bravery of those actually working the flights that morning knowing it could have, by fate, been me.

This day affected everyone….but as an airline employee it was deeply personal. I was shocked to see those huge airplanes that I fly around on week after week, being flown into buildings. All I could think about was my fellow crew members. They were just normal people with husbands, wives, children….and life stories...doing their job one minute and terrorized and gone the next.

Unfortunately, one of the flight attendants killed that day happened to be a friend of mine. Both she and her husband were working the flight that was flown into the Pentagon. His name was Ken…her name was Jennifer. Because they seemed inseparable (even in death) they were known as Kennifer. This could very well be where Hollywood got the concept of blending two famous 1st names into one. Anyway, Jennifer and I lived together for 6 weeks during the Fall of 1986 for flight training with American Airlines. During that time we laughed together and even grooved to our 80’s music together in the early mornings as we went elbow to elbow putting on our makeup for class. That fall, the song of the season was ‘Word Up’! Jennifer loved that song! In the Fall of 2001, on September 11th, she and her husband were dead!

In those first fiery moments of terror all of our lives changed forever. Americans had to come to terms with the devastating fact that, at this point in time, our country was no longer safe. As an airline employee I felt that I was no longer safe at work. My employer graciously offered Leave of Absence. I took it! Fear loomed and wasn’t something that could be easily conquered but we pulled together and even drew close to God as a country. We rolled up our sleeves, flew our flags, did the work and called on our faith….but time diminished the impact of those planes into those buildings…. and something that should not lie dormant became quiet. Our patriotic passion for unity again became second-rate and our need for God lapsed- again.

With 9/11 memories still vivid in my mind and with a mix of sadness and truth I share the following beliefs: It is crucially important to remain passionate about our freedoms and about the principles that hold us together as a family and as a nation. Christian principles used to be the foundation of right and wrong and were indeed the foundation of this country. Did you know that 11 of the original 13 colonies required that you be a Christian to be elected office? Did you know that the Constitution of all 50 states mentions God? Did you know that The Constitution of the United States of America references scripture from the Bible? To continue….did you know that out of the 56 men who signed the Constitution, 52 of them were Christians and 27 of them had Seminary degrees!

We are indeed a country founded on Christian beliefs which provide us great protections, but we want to move away from this truth because this distance allows us to rule ourselves and feel less guilty about it. This distance empowers man! One last intriguing question: Did you know that history documents that every great Empire in the history of the world has fallen- and most from within? Do you see or sense any correlation to this fact and the direction in which our nation is now going and the “road” upon which we seem to be riding to our own destruction.

To many, to be holy and reverent is a bunch of hullabaloo. To the critics, Christianity creaks. It has old-school tendencies and rules that are not pliable enough for society these days. God has been decisively diminished-for Selfishness is the reigning principle and generally there is not enough room for self and God. This is actually so biblical it is eerie; however, God can and will rectify this one way or another. Graciously, God says this.....

II Chronicles 7:14
“If my people, which are called by my name
will humble themselves and Pray
and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin
and will heal their land.”

This was written around 700 BC, so it seems that men throughout the ages have had a tendency to turn from God and into their self-serving, self-destructive ways. For those of us who sense this danger it is not too late. We can choose to return to our faith in God and country. The warning bells are ringing….and we need to remember where our allegiance lies!

Just as with the memory of the 9/11 events, the further we move down the time-line away from truth of it- the less the impact it has on our hearts and belief-system. We need to seek God’s protection by returning to God's truth!

Scripture says:
“I am the way, the truth and the life;
No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6

As far as our country goes…. Our Pledge of Allegiance says:

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the republic for which it stands
one nation, under God, indivisible
with liberty and justice for all.”

Unfortunately, these days we want our way, blended truth and the easy life. One that doesn’t insist on “one nation, under God, indivisible…”. Please note that as history and the bible records….a nation that God doesn’t guide doesn’t thrive! Look around. Listen to the news. Study politics and history. Obviously we need God and over and over God calls us unto Him-yet over and over we ebb and flow-come and go! We’re inconsistent. Fickle! September 11th, 2001 shows that we want God when we need a savior…or just a hero….but God wants our hearts and minds at all times. He wants our allegiance.

Romans 13: 1 says:
“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities,
for there is no authority except that which God has established.”

Scripture also says in Isaiah 40:23:
“He brings princes to naught
and reduces rulers of this world to nothing.”

We can be sure of what we know and believe….or we can be uninterested and then be easily swayed. That’s frightening! Let me encourage you to be sure about this: God is in control! He established the working order of our universe, created man himself, provided the 10 Commandments, and as the above scripture states-established and controls governing authorities. Believe me, something is in control of our universe, something is in control of our lives and even our politics and something controls our destiny!

The question and issue is this…what do you believe? History shows that people will give their allegiance to something! To whom or what have you pledged yours? To what purposed-end are you propelling your life? We are all moving forward, the earth is spinning, time is passing, and, as far as I am concerned, scripture will prove to be true. Truth has to be derived from somewhere! I’m standing on FAITH that God’s word is that truth-just as it states in John 14:6.

As September 11th, 2001 proved, the United States needs our allegiance for this is the only way we will remain the home of the free and the brave. Beyond even this, God requires our allegiance for in the end that will be all that matters.

“Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me,
and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”
Revelation 22: 12-13

Music Download: The Word is Alive
-By Casting Crowns

End note: I’m proud to work for American Airlines-always have been!
I’m also honored and blessed to be a Christian-
living in a nation founded on Christian Principles.
“God Bless America!”