Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Daniel: A Prophesy & Universal Deceit!

Chapter 8
 A Prophesy

v 19 He said:  “I am going to tell you what will happen
 later in the time of wrath,
because the vision concerns the appointed time of the end.

v 23“In the latter part of their reign,
 when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king,
 a master of intrigue, will arise.

 v 24 He will become very strong, but not by is own power.
 He will cause astounding devastation
 and will succeed in whatever he does.

He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people.

 v 25 He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. 
 When they feel secure, he will destroy many
 and take his stand against the Prince of Princes. (God)
 Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.”

Deceit Will Prosper!

What do you think about the writing above?  It reads like an excerpt from a fantasy novel but it is a actually from ancient manuscripts that make up The Old Testament and this scripture is considered to be “prophesy” by scholars, historians, preachers, and laymen…and is, of course, part of the Holy Bible. 

I began this writing from a different perspective and as usual have edited and edited till this blog page is completely different than I originally intended and has been re-titled as well.  The premise is still the same however and it focuses on a word DECEIT, for this word is actually a “practice” that has widespread ramifications!

 Here is the original quote that inspired me: 

“In a time of universal deceit
telling the truth becomes a revolutionary Act.” 

What do you think about that above quote?  If you ponder it in light of todays advertising, our elected politicians and their antics….or even in comparison to the moral standards of our culture  and country you could say the quote  is “obvious” and stands up as truth!   Let’s be honest, there is a culture within our society that deems truth as no longer necessary.  With that being agreed upon we can admit that the quote and the above scripture is beyond valid.  THIS is my point!!!  

According to the above prophesy from the Book of Daniel, Deceit will be one of the antics used by a world leader, prophetically known as the Antichrist, in order to gain power.  Does that hit on something familiar or sound about right???  To be frank, I don’t know much about end-time prophecy but I can use my own eyes to see that something wicked this way comes!  I am certain that Deceit has been recognized by Evil as an ingenious tool.  Deceit has gained power and is at work in our world.  Believe this!  Its end result will bring devastation!  Interestingly, Deceit and its devastation is what the prophetic Books of Daniel and Revelation both discuss! 

I must write about the enormous word DECEIT to boldly bring to your attention to its exceeding wickedness!  Because of Deceit- truth is losing its power!  For, if one has been “deceived” that in itself, implies that truth has been hidden and is of no use!

Scripture talks about this in Daniel 8:12:  

"Because of rebellion, the host of the saints,
 and the daily sacrifice were given over to it (Deceit).
 It prospered in everything it did,
and truth was thrown to the ground.”

As with poetry….or in this case, prophesy, many things are “inferred”.  “Truth was thrown to the ground” means truth was NO LONGER RELEVANT!!!  This scripture is talking about an ancient group of people AND is simultaneously talking about the “distant future” (us).  Look it up for yourself!  Fast forward to today and we should all clue in!  

Bringing this discussion back from End-Time-Prophesy to the current age:  I wanted to write about Deceit as a word of warning!  I personally feel that I am deceived everyday when I listen to the morning news.  I wonder if you feel the same!!!  I am amazed at what is happening in U.S. politics and can only surmise that this universal deceit is either supported by the American people (consciously or unconsciously), has been slipped passed the American people who are unconcerned (we are apathetic), or, in fact, we are so deceived that we do not know the truth!  (Herein is where I shutter).   

The Notes in the NIV Bible say that the purpose of the book of Daniel is this:  

To give a historical account of the faithful Jews
 who lived in captivity
 and to show how God is in control of heaven and earth,
 directing the forces of nature,
the destiny of nations
 and the care of his people.”

Wow!  Those words are simply footnotes from a Holy Writing! Footnotes!!!!!  This in itself should give us pause.  But, take it even further; it is flat out saying that:  “God is in control of the forces of nature and the destiny of nations”.  As an educated person of reasonably sound mind I have peaceably come to agree with this fact!!  Intellectually, what other choice do I have!  What other explanation do YOU have????  Seriously, if you don’t know then you are either unconcerned or unaware!  Neither is a good thing!!!!!  

Now, a Sovereign God!! That actually makes sense to me!  Does it to you????   If you ever wondered what the vastness of this universe-seen and unseen, the depths of our microscopes, the pages of ancient manuscripts known as The Bible, world religion, world history and world politics have in common…. it is this:  Everything!!!  To be more precise… the answer is GOD!  

Wake Up America!!!!!


Why Truth Matters More than You Think!

“I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices.
 You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.”  

John 16:20

As the landscape of our country reflects not its visible beauty but the unseen animosity toward those who believe in God; as others in this world are persecuting and literally killing Christians- I have to pause and remember that the prophetic word on the street is that good and evil will have it’s day!  This truth is the only thing that calms my nerves regarding many things in this vile and skewed world!  

Yes, the world is skewed….but so are many things here in America!  I come before you seeking truth!  And with that in mind I share the following:  

I watched the national news this past Sunday and sat amazed as the mediator took her verbal stick and stirred the racial pot.  In small town USA, a police officer shot a black man who, unfortunately, was killed, and now there seems to be a certain group of people who want to persecute this police officer BEFORE the facts are in!  Our national news channels and others are pitting whites against blacks and I’m stunned!  Who wants this kind of trouble?  Many of us do not!  Here are two major points we have on the table: 

 1. Racial dissension-with the media as its coach! 
 2.  Defiance of our legal system; for I do believe that here in America we are innocent till proven guilty!  

Blending these two things together makes for provocative Sunday morning news!   Unfortunately the ramifications don’t make for a stable country!  With this in mind, I believe we’re missing for forest for the trees!!!

Back to this Sunday’s news:  This particular news mediator (Andrea Mitchell)  portrayed the elected officials in this particular American town as if they were deceptive manipulators instead of the “elected” leaders that were put in office by the voting citizens in this area.  She talked about the police officers as if they were full of hate instead of citizens working their jobs to the best of their abilities.  She left out many key ingredients of the story and therefore couldn’t honestly present the whole story and, with that, took truth completely out of the mix.  She pushed and pushed and pushed the racial button and had a panel of others, with their own agenda,  do the same- as I sat with my mouth open!  Has this ever happened to you as you watched the “news”???

With my eyes seeking truth, for the best of that officer AND the deceased young man, it hit me that she was spewing propaganda and that her agenda was not to educate the American viewers BUT to stir us into hate!  Talk about a recipe for trouble.  That is exactly what she was stirring.  I was deeply disappointed in what she was doing to us as a united group of people, frustrated beyond words because I felt manipulated….  I was distressed and frightened in my own living room!   Let’s face the truth:  some us of wonder what is going on here in America!   Friends, please note that if this type of news coverage continues to be the norm our country is headed into a catastrophe!  I truly believe that! 

Let’s analyze this further by noting that most of our news is skewed to present one point of view!  For this type of presentation to work truth is skimmed over!  We can mix that with the fact that Americans go and blow and barely have time to listen to the news and then when we do we get a twisted version of reality and BOOM our citizens are misled and therefore confused; confused and therefore divided; divided and therefore defiant!  In our defiance we sometimes reject the rationale of truth!  When truth is not present chaos reigns.  The BIG question is:  Why does our media want chaos? Think about that one!!! 

Interestingly, this same Sunday morning my preacher, as part of his sermon, stressed the point that truth is exclusive.  It eliminates anything that isn’t true-“excluding ALL else!  That’s a powerful definition of Truth!  My point here is that if our news shows are going to blend in innuendos or simply leave out part of the truth then we do not have truth in our news at all…..but simply propaganda!  As I’ve said before:  If our news outlets are going to present only one side of the story for political purpose and gain then they should be renamed  “Entertainment News”.   My point is this:  Viewers BEWARE! 

Let me be honest:  I do not know the entire story regarding this police shooting because all the evidence is not in.  But, my point is-that we have to wait for that evidence and with educated concern seek out the truth!  Do I wish that young man dead?  No one would.  Do I desperately want something better for our country concerning all issues in this situation?  Yes!  

Back to politics and Universal Truth:  If you want to read a book that illuminates how truth and the politics of our society are crucial to the future of our country and, for that matter, mankind!  Furthermore, how propaganda and a divided, defiant people can lead to millions of deaths –as pointed out using WWII history- then I beg you to read the following book:

How Do You Kill 11 Million People?
By:  Andy Andrews
(It is a quick read and will take you about 20 minutes).

Here is an excerpt:

You see the danger to Americans is not a single politician with ill intent.  
Or even a group of them.  
The most dangerous thing any nation faces is a citizenry 
capable of trusting a liar to lead them.” 

Using this past Sunday morning news as my guidepost the point here, folks, is that we must know truth so that we can know when we are being misled!  It sounds simple or maybe even redundant ….but if you know anything about Hitler then it’s very apropos! 

Just saying!!!


PS-Read the Book!!!!!