Monday, November 2, 2020

The Crux of the Crisis:

America, 9/11 woke us up but we have fallen asleep again.  We are complacent at a pivotal moment in time when we should be on High Alert as The Beacon of Freedom to the world.  Graciously, there is something that holds this country together at the very fabric of its soul and provides protections we are almost unaware of, and that is the belief in God.  Even our money cries out, “In God We Trust”.  Those who detest this truth are fighting against the very doctrines on which this country is founded. Let’s be honest, many have changed sides and no longer speak for America, but call out for a fundamental change in her foundation, which purposely brings about her death.  Why? For power; plain and simple.  

To deny this and try to hold this country, and her people, together in one accord under the pretension that “all is well” is like the picture-perfect concept of a child’s finger sealing up the hole in a massive dam.  The predicament of the Dam is the crux of the crisis: It's a big deal but don’t know we’re damned.  My call for years has been “Wake up America.” 

With that said, here is the point of my wake-up call:  Truth is truth and, the truth is, FREEDOM is not free.  As President Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”. My question, for months now as been,  “Is this generation of Americans too tired to fight for our freedom?”  As of now, it is a metaphorical fight using a vote as a weapon but if we remain unconcerned or uninvolved, we may have an actual battle on our hands for the very freedom we are so carelessly casting away.

Sadly, this war has already been fought and won before, with blood and guts, and it’s a shame that we are under-educated and don’t see the writing on the wall or should I say the writings within our history books.  This dumbing down of America is purposed and yields a citizenry capable of believing a liar to lead them.  Below is a quote that seems apropos:

You see, the danger to America is not a single politician with ill intent.
Or even a group of them.  The most dangerous thing any nation faces

                                            is a citizenry capable of trusting a liar to lead them.” 

From the Andy Andrews book:
How Do You Kill 11 Million People

Like the Germans, we have placed our faith in leaders whom we “assume” have our best interests at heart.  It panics me to see that so many Americans do not understand we are on the precipice of socialism (Research Venezuela). It frightens me that we have the power of the vote to stop socialism in its tracks as it sits on the ballot here in the grand ole USA.  Biden and Kamala have told us what they plan to do but we aren’t listening.  We are already experiencing censorship of speech.  Yet, we keep posting like that’s gonna change after the election.  It will not.  

When we lose our freedom we may never get it back and it will take a literal life-or-death uprising to do so that will effect the entire world.  Are you ready for that?  The reality is, we didn’t have the courage or stamina to wage a fight for our freedom during COVID so are we gonna bother as our constitutional rights continue to be watered down or taken away in the near future?

Right now we still have the opportunity to VOTE yet even with total freedom to do so many choose to be complacent.  We love our way-of-life but we sit back and allow others to elect our politicians not realizing that these very people set the course of our daily life-style and that of our entire nation.  Furthermore, the world is watching and counting on us because where America goes the entire world follows.  Isn’t that nice for those seeking World Power. 

My fellow Americans, do we want to put candidates in power that love our constitution, our flag, our faith and our country or do we want to elect those who would intimidate us by burning our flag, riot in our streets and literally steal from others, on camera, as they demand cities defund police. (Is that just convenient for criminals or is there another underlying reason? Think about it!) 

Not all democrats, but the far-left wing of the democrat party has hijacked half of America and it now functions using anti-American policies. It’s obvious that it has used manipulation and intimidation to sway votes under the guise that when Biden is elected all this rioting will stop. They used community organizers to create the rioting so of course they can boast they have the power to stop it.  How blatant, yet many American people don’t seem to attribute this violence in our city streets to a form of manufactured voter-intimidation.  That is exactly what it is. America has deliberately been intimidated for the single purpose of mentally swaying us to vote Trump out of office.   Why?  Deep State Power, plain and simple. 

For crying out loud: to those who don’t realize it; the media is owned by men who do not love this nation and, though it may make you uncomfortable when Trump calls the media Fake News he is not being a jerk.  Lies work.  Propaganda works.  Hitler used it and almost won the soul of the entire world.  The twisted issue with World War II is that now there are those who stand against history and say the Holocaust didn’t happen.  Why? Well, Hitler literally said, 

“How fortunate for leaders that men don’t think.
Make the lie big, make it simple and keep saying
and eventually they will believe it”.

Now, that is a prime example of the use of propaganda. 

Here in 2020, we have technology that allows high-tech companies to feed us whatever they want and in doing so they control the News and more importantly the Truth.  Don’t be fooled, they know they have the power to sway and use it.  They repeat, repeat, repeat what the main-stream media says, even if it’s a lie -and in doing so use a page right out of Hitler’s book.   These companies pay people big money to lie to our faces because Americans are spoiled in our “freedom” and enjoy being spoon-fed news. One big-tech company actually employs Chinese nationals to help censor American’s posts.  (Talk about hiring well.  Look that up). 

In our ignorance, we are blissfully unaware that what is happening in our country is detrimental to our very foundation of freedom and as misinformation trickles out, the downfall of a great nation is just a misinformed-misstep away.  In our naivety we think “This can’t be true?” ….but it is.   These high-tech business owners are wealthy elites with an Anti-American agenda.  They prioritize power over love-of-country and in doing so undermine their fellow Americans and our very way-of-life, to the demise of all. Why? Again, power, plain and simple. 

 Buyers, or should I say users, Beware! 

“When injustice becomes law,
resistance becomes duty.”