Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Cancel Culture: A Divergence from Truth

Divergence Defined:  Deviation; Departure; Discrepancy; A separation.

I love that Truth is self-evident. It is undeniable and applicable-no matter your skin color-for TRUTH applies to ALL.   The truth is, our country has mutated into something unappealing.  In fact, it is principally appalling and done under the guise of doing something "righteous".  Someone, somewhere is going to have to rise up with courage and speak out against this moral divergence in our society-for avoidance of the subject allows it to continue; so, here goes….

This country was founded on Christian Principles that include two very important components: Grace & Forgiveness.  Whether you practice Christianity or not, the Christian value system is the bedrock of our republic.  When US citizens no longer live within the healthy boundaries of Godly principles the Deception of Divergence steps in and creates mayhem.  We have moral protections from this chaos, but we have let down our guard and moved away from proven moral principles.  With our departure-from-principles in motion, a divisive thought-process has been conjured up and this new phenomenon called Cancel Culture has risen where Grace & Forgiveness should stand.  

Instead of Grace and forgiveness we dish out judgment.  Instead of sound reason we turn to vengeance and blindly set out to destroy.  As evidenced on social media and in the news, we are no longer able to peaceably co-exist or even tolerate each other, neither publicly nor professionally. 

In Christianity, the practice of extending Grace is a principle issue.  Unfortunately, here in the good ole USA, it has been discounted and has lost its previously secure place in American culture. Grace includes the act of giving something that is undeserved; therefore, grace is the essence of forgiveness.  We all need that here and there, don’t we?  When not applied, bitterness rises up and brings with it bad behavior.  In personal reflection I confess I've loitered here before but forgiveness redeemed me.  Our current remedy 
does the exact opposite in that it takes this bitterness and bad behavior into the town square and with irreversible actions calls fellow citizens to condemn, shame and brand a fellow citizen with a proverbial Scarlet Letter called Cancel Culture.

When we look at this through the lens of Christianity, Cancel Culture seems to be derived from a place of self-righteousness. Scripture teaches “No one is righteous; no, not one.” Romans 3: 10  The self-righteousness of Cancel Culture is so outward-focused it cannot see this inward truth and boldly excludes the concept of personal accountability, forgiveness & grace.  Astonishingly, the indiscretion of “demanding an apology” becomes an acceptable act and takes precedence over decency. If we use this concept impartially couldn’t I demand an apology from you for demanding an apology from me?  I’m sure you would instinctively think, “How dare you!”.  I do as well.  So, as we stand in a stalemate, the logical question is, “Where does this end?”

I can’t tell you where this dangerous practice will end but I can tell you WHEN it will end:  at the point-in-time when we all look within our own hearts and begin there, seeking truth. The inner-recognition that  forgiveness is needed allows grace a place to start.  Here is what scripture tells us about grace:

"But by the grace of God
I am what I am,
and his grace to me was not without effect."
1st Corinthians 15:10

For centuries we've had a mechanism to counter Cancel Culture.  It is known in the Christian and secular world as the Golden Rule:  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Luke 6:31

To apply this widely held rule my question is this; “Would I want you canceling me, damaging my reputation or my business?”  The answer is self-evident.  So why would I do this to you?  Do I have anything to lose?  Do you?  Vengeance is a well-oiled machine that can inflict damage to both parties. As you toss a Cancel Culture bomb at me you’re in danger of being caught in the fall-out.  If this continues, we will all need to rise up from the ashes of this smoldering Cancel-Culture heap.  

Yet another Christian principle that applies here is this: 

"Do not judge or you too will be judged.
For in the same way you judge others,
you will be judged, 
and with the measure you use, 
it will be measured to you."
Matthew 7: 1-2

Let’s be clear; neither your age nor sex; neither your religious affiliation nor your political affiliation; neither your skin color nor race actually matter.  This is a Godly issue-of-principle that affects the human race and literally sets the course for our daily lives, for better or worse.  It begins with our heart and spills forth out of our mouths and as we know, our mouth can create a lot of trouble for us. 

And the tongue is a fire,
 the very world of unrighteousness;
 the tongue is set among our body’s parts
 as that which defiles the whole body
 and sets on fire the course of our life,
 and is set on fire by hell.” 
James 3:6 NASB.

Our current dilemma is this: 

"Our Constitution was made only
for a moral and religious people.
It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
John Adams

Written by: RvH

Graves to Gardens
BY:  Elevation Worship