Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I Wonder!

I frequently wonder about the future of our country and ponder how we’ve come to this point in time.  We’re teetering on the edge of financial insolvency yet the discussion in politics is about “Sharing the Wealth” and “Social Rights”.   We’ve elected officials to lead us and yet they are divided amongst themselves and continue to push forward with plans to continue spending money we don’t have.  One solution from our president was to add more taxes onto the shoulders of the people.  We have, indeed, been taxed more while our elected officials are doing less to uphold the economic security of the financial engine on which we all depend.   The US dollar is stretched as far as it can be and will soon be torn in two, worth half of what it is now…or less.  With this possibility on the horizon, there is a discussion that the United States will go the way of Greece...yet most Americans have no idea what that means!    We haven’t focused in on that comparison and it really doesn’t seem to matter to us.  Here’s a little snip-it from the Wall Street Journal to give you an idea:

Over the last decade, Greece went on a debt binge that came crashing to an end in late 2009, provoking an economic crisis that has decimated the country’s economy, brought down its government, unleashed increasing social unrest and threatened the future of the euro.”

 Let’s focus on the key facts from above:  economic crisis; decimated economy; failed government; unleashed social unrest; threatened value of currency!  Wow!  Like Greece, there are many problems hovering over the citizens of the United States that literally threaten our future, our life-styles and our welfare….yet there has been no mandate from We, The People.  We sit back and watch as our country races toward insolvency and our politicians stand on the edge of financial incompetency.  We watch, with our mouths open, trying to comprehend the digital display of our country’s debt, as it races upward to an amount we truly cannot fathom.  We hear on the evening news about our tax money being sent to other countries, government programs being extended and the US borrowing money from China….and still no protesting in the Public Square!  No call to action from We, The People.  Silently, our country is being destroyed from within and I forecast that we will all gasp and wonder how it came to this!  The answer is, to me, quite clear; Indifference!

There is another part of human history that also encompasses the silent destroyer of indifference.  It was the rise of Adolf Hitler.  I truly wonder how in the world a man with such a devious plan could silently rise in the ranks and come to hold such power….such sway over so many German citizens that he could persuade them to follow him to the depths of an earthly hell; talk them into assisting as they horded Jews into Death Camps; coax them into building and operating Death Chambers; then convince them into torturing, starving and freezing to death, sadistically murdering, their fellow man.  How could this have happened?  The answer, again, is indifference or unconcern.  It all began because they were unaware that evil was in their ranks. Lies were being told, propaganda was being spread, the people were being misled and over time the situation was so out of control there was no turning back.  World War was the result!  This IS World History!  Look it up!

I read that one congregation of church-goers, whose church sat by the train tracks used to transport Jews to the Death Camps, would actually sing louder when they heard the train coming so that they didn’t have to hear the evil roaring down the tracks nor the cries of the people who so desperately needed to be heard.   This is indifference!  This is lack of concern.  Did those church goers know that something was amiss?  Yes.  Did they consciously open their eyes and move into action?  NO!

I fear the same can be said of us.  Like those people on that train….our country races toward an economic destruction and we turn a blind eye.  We keep singing and living our lives…and it seems we plan to continue to do so until the point that there is no money left to operate our government, our state or our city!  Then- we’ll gasp!!!  Make no mistake- in this life, Death and Destruction come even though we are unaware.  As a blessed US citizen, being unprepared is no excuse!  By the way, what will our comments be, to our family and friends, when that time comes?  Will We, the People, be able to say that we did all we could?  Or will we say that we just were not aware of the dire economic situation at hand….or the consequences ahead. I wonder! 

Writer of Conservative Revelations


Book Recommendation:

How to Kill Eleven Million People
BY: Andy Andrews

*Blog Writer’s recommendation:  Order the book online-now!


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