During this era of a"new normal" in American life, with the threat of Corona Virus in control, there are
many voices chattering these days: voices of leadership, voices of news and politics,
voices of statistics and voices using scare-tactics. There are many ways to process what they say:
We can vacillate and be frantic, sit quietly and be patient, we can even
rise up and participate-as many communicate what it is they believe is at
stake. I am one of the latter.
My first instinct, when this Corona Virus hit the airways of
the United States was to be angry and frustrated, as I lamented, “Didn’t we JUST get our economy back on
track!”. I considered the truth that the Democrat Party would do ANYTHING
to get Mr. Trump out of office including putting spies in his campaign and
literally setting this presidential candidate up as if he were working with and
for the Russian Government and against the USA. I am infuriated and heart-broken that US Politics has
degenerated to this!
Knowing politics, as I do, I would not put ANYTHING past the
opposing party of the current administration and this thought sickens me! For
weeks now, I have gone to great lengths to understand my inner anger- as I filtered
information through lens of health VS the economic concern; what appears to be
sound judgment VS what IS sound decision making; my political views VS spiritual
truths; and the subject of truth VS half-truths, propaganda and flat-out lies.
For people, like myself, who have watched, for years, as
evil rose up as if good and when lies
were spoken as if true and when
people in places of leadership, especially those being paid to sit behind a
microphone, stirred up dissension and discord among the US citizens I can quickly say "Yeah, I’m
frustrated and righteously infuriated".
And, I AM NOT alone.
My personal quest, and purpose of this writing, is to
figure out why the American people are so easily capable of laying down their freedoms
so un-defensively when everything else in the powerful world of politics has
been so contentious. This just doesn’t add up with the exception that FEAR was
used as a scare-tactic for political purposes to the demise of our entire
economy. The problem with this is that
now our enemies know the American People have lost their stomach for that it
takes to maintain freedom! There is a time and place for obedience and then there is the proper time to rise up and demand our elected officials listen to the Will of the People. It seems many prefer the
cushy life-style of Easy Street and don't mind if others do our thinking....and with that we have opened ourselves up to a
coup-within our own borders and from outside our borders as well!
My mind can’t get over this question that sits on the forefront of
my brain EVERYDAY: Is it just IRONIC that
after President Trump built our economy up to heights never reached before in our
exceptional history, a VIRUS, we cannot see, destroyed it all???? Someone, please, please, please make sense of
this for I cannot fathom it! My mind is
so bent out-of-shape over this because of how OBVIOUS that is is that I simply cannot
get rid of my bewilderment!!! This jury
is still out on this but….
Here is what we do know:
There is a political divide
in this country. It is not there because
we Americans are against each other because overall, we are a People of brotherly
love and deep beliefs; in God, in country, in family and in freedom. No, this divisiveness has been strategically
sown into the fabric of this country slowly, subtly, subliminally and therefore
unconsciously, over the years. Pride in being an American has been deemed socially
and politically unacceptable. Regarding
education, our kids are neither taught true American History nor about our
exceptionalism. College professors are
notably anti-American and anti-God. Some
form of evil has decided to gain the hearts and minds of our youth. The astute recognize that it has happened and
then ask why? Scripture gives us some
“Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined,
and every city or household divided
against itself will not stand.”
Matthew 12:25
Inside the borders of this country there is a covert movement that wants us divided. THIS
is obvious for those who have already recognized it. I have only paid attention to politics for about
the last 10 years and I’ve been astounded at the power plays that take place
under the noses of We, the People. Yet,
using World History to reflect back on, we know that power-grabs and mass
control of humanity has been a goal for many a world leader throughout the
centuries and more specifically, this evil divide has been present in this
Country since it’s founding. Yes, This
Evil is THAT old. Who wants America to fail and who is in control of this
covert movement that, to me is so obvious? With that question asked others arise. Such as, what is the reason behind this malicious movement? What is the end-goal? Of course the answer is money but more
importantly, POWER!
Judaism and Christianity have always stood on the
theological premise that evil wants to over-throw God. The sinful human heart doesn’t want to answer
to a higher authority. Put that
hypothesis onto a political platform and you can see how a power hungry human or political party, in control of a massive amount of people, could seek to over-throw the statutes
and principles on which this country was founded, to the demise of all.
Power is intoxicating and many of our politicians are drunk
on it! They buy in and like so many unethical unions they cannot buy out. The
selling of their souls has been done and it cannot be undone... not without the God of Justice showing up in
miraculous ways. UNTIL then We, The People have the power of the VOTE! Why do we forget that we hire and fire politicians
and we are in control of the purse strings of this country??? They govern for
us….not over us!!!
In my opinion, some
of the wicked tactics being used against the American people are as FOLLOWS:
- ·
Diverting our attention one way- while evil
slight of hand activity is going on out of our view-(The fake news is the perfect minion for this purpose)
- · Purposely
causing us to fight among ourselves while our very way of life is subverted
right under our noses: (A kingdom divided against itself shall fall)
- ·
Pretending to be focusing on our most valued
needs while undermining it at the same time (Bait and Switch)
- ·
Using the power of our very own government
against us to change and/or eradicate our very way of life. (Our blind-folded Lady Justice isn't so blind).
- ·
Causing many to believe the Government is in
control when our constitution says We, The People are actually in control-(The dumbing Down of America).
- ·
Giving the Citizens reasons to want to give
power away to the government therefore denigrating the free enterprise system
of the USA and our overall freedom, indeed!
(Forcing US Citizens to feel dependent on US Government for financial
support does the trick)
Where is this orchestrated downfall of America coming from? From the powerful and wealthy using our elected officials. This power-play is wielded in every level of
government! The American people just don’t seem to recognize this! That is why my motto and calling to my fellow
Americans for years has been
“Wake Up America”
We need to be aware of all levels of elections and pay
attention to the differences between who is running. Being informed is a must if you want your
way-of-life to be maintained. Many chose
to ignore that there are sinful, imperfect “politicians” who would do anything
to undermine our Way of LIfe! Why in the
world would anyone chose to be indifferent regarding politicians that are running our states, cities and, in essence, our lives? The very
BEST of people can be turned or blackmailed into becoming criminals- if given the
right reasons! Let’s discuss some of the
motivating reasons:
Here is what one of our past leader's said:
“It is to be regretted that the rich and the powerful
too often bend the acts of government
to their own selfish purposes.”
Andrew Jackson
US Senator, Lawyer, US Representative, Judge
There have been many evil events, throughout history, with
humans at the helm. What, then, was the
purpose of the evil leaders of the past, for example, Hitler? I’d say it is to over-throw rightful authority, to gain control of the masses and
take ultimate power. He is the perfect example of the twisted belief that the end justifies the means. This mentality takes savagery and history
shows that certain types of evil are bloodthirsty. How does this relate to the current condition
here in our country? It serves as a
stark reminder that evil exists BUT it is not always as blatant as the horror
of Hitler. Something has shifted in our country. Truth has been thrown to the ground and even
the dictionary now has a new word called Post-Truth. With this said, let me introduce you to Post
Truth Politics: which “appeals to emotion and personal belief” instead
of moral law.
One of our founding fathers said this:
Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
It is wholly
inadequate to the government of any other.”
John Adams
This should floor us all!
The premise of our founding documents and the compass of this country
was set for “a moral and religious
people”. Many have stepped away from belief that there is absolute truth
and consequently, THAT is the divide amongst the People.
Morality once formed our laws and created the successful way
of life that the world envied. Now, in
post-truth America, our laws are inspired by emotion and personal beliefs. In turn, our politicians lead our
cities and states with many unstable influences that are unhealthy to a moral
people and stand in contrast to the constitution under which we formed our
principality. This confusion creates a
divide among the citizenry. Then, if
you’re uninformed you can be easily misled! Confusion sets in and the country
becomes even more divided! My ghastly point is: If
we are not a moral people, with laws set on firm foundations of truth, then our
constitution will no longer apply to our politics or our life-style. This country’s success or demise is founded on
this truth (per John Adams).
relating to or denoting circumstances in which
objective facts
less influential in shaping public opinion
appeals to emotion and
personal belief.1
principles concerning the distinction between
right and wrong or good and bad behavior; a particular system of values and
principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society.1
1- Google Dictionary